Consider how your brand affects your business. Brand is paramount in both service and product arenas: creating awareness, driving perception, and determining appeal to consumers. Brands with high consumer awareness have higher perceived value and attain higher price points. We begin our brand process by learning about your business. It's all about what your company means to people. At the end of the day, brand gives people a reason to choose you over someone else. And that’s what will keep your business alive. Even if you’re a small company, differentiated brand can make a world of difference.


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Marc Taylor Avatar

Marc Taylor

Digital Marketing & Brand Specialist

"I believe connecting the essence of the targeted brand identity with outlets available to digitally implement a solid online marketing strategy is the strongest plan for most businesses."

Branding Knoxville

Branding Knoxville, a Knoxville-based design firm out of the Farragut area, has been successful in business since 1993. Our design firm is small, allowing our owner and associates to continually hone our skill sets in many areas of new media and offer personalized attention and efficient turnaround.

We specialize in brand development and rebranding and deliver a full range of brand, web, print and interactive services, including:

  • • Business Logo Design / Illustration

  • • Brand Development

  • • Website and Mobile Design

  • • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • • Full Service Printing

  • • Large Format Prints

  • • Creative Services

  • • Google Ads Management

  • • Window Clings / Floor Graphics

Brand Strategy

Countless brands start with good intentions and fall apart soon after conception. A successful brand strategy separates the great from the mediocre. A well-thought out and detailed brand strategy lays out a plan that defines what the company wants and specific approaches that will help them achieve that while developing their brand.

At Brandetour, we take a methodical approach to assembling a brand strategy.

  • Establish a Purpose -
    Success has many meanings. What is success for your company? Of course financial success has a large bearing on motivation. We dig deeper than that to find out your aspirations and goals of your company. This will guide your brand throughout its life.

  • Define and Maintain Consistency -
    Consistency builds trust. When consumers know what to expect from a brand, they don’t feel confused or ambushed by the unexpected. We take the time to analyze content and design across all platforms to be sure they work cohesively with one another to present a unified brand to your audience.

  • Identify Problems and be Flexible -
    How can consistency and flexibility work together? Consistency without rigidity allows your brand to adapt to changes in its target audience and competition without abandoning its purpose. We identify areas in which your brand is excelling, and areas in which it could be strengthened and work to keep your brand fresh while staying true to itself.

  • Reach Emotion and Build Loyalty -
    Logic is often not the driving force in a purchase decision. What makes a customer pay more for a name brand instead of less for an identical generic product? The customer has an emotional connection and loyalty to the name brand. This relationship has to be built over time. By maintaining communication and interaction with customers, we show them that they are more than a number; they are an appreciated part of your company. We look for ways that your company can engage with and relate to its audience to build a loyal brand that won’t be broken by competition.

  • Learn from the Competition -
    Competition is a part of the marketplace we are a part of. We can neither ignore nor copy a rival brand. We can however, learn from them. As part of our brand research, we look to see what competitors are doing. We carefully analyze the aspects of their business that are working well and try to implement similar strategies. We also evaluate strategies that are failing and make sure that we don’t waste time, energy, or funds on futile efforts.

Through this process, we identify practical marketing and design strategies that will build and develop your brand.

Once goals have been clearly identified, each component of a brand has to be clearly defined as to how it functions within the brand. Brand architecture organizes parts of an overall brand to make sure it is easily and well received. Sub-brands and brand extensions should add to, not detract from the brand. Different architectural structures can be of benefit depending on a company’s needs. We give you the explanation and information you need to decide which organization is best for your company.

Brand Management

All elements of a solid brand must be managed to maintain brand continuity.

Our job doesn't stop at creating or enhancing your brand, though. Through brand management, we ensure your brand is kept alive and on track to expand business. Every aspect of the brand has to be constantly maintained to ensure a cohesive approach. New ideas for products and brand extensions need to be rigorously examined to see if they fit into the company’s brand strategy.

Brand Management not only means managing the brand — it also means managing the company in a way that maintains the brand’s mission in every facet. Our senior consultants have spent years studying and managing the intricacies involved in building a brand and maintaining it, and we are ready to move your business forward and keep it on track.

With 30 years and experience, Branding Knoxville can offer tremendous assistance in the development of intriguing creative elements and capture the essence of your brand.

Give us a call or send us an email and
let’s get started!

These are some of the services that we can do for you.

  • • Branding

  • • Web Design & Development

  • • Copywriting

  • • Illustration

  • • Art Decoration

  • • Identity Systems

  • • Print & Package Design

  • • Naming

  • • Photography & Videography

  • • Creative Consulting

View Our Full Portfolio Here

Get In Touch With Us

If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we’ll get back to you!